Medicine Balls #1: Brazil, calendula and orange with Mushrooms

1 cup brazil nuts

1 cup medjool dates (or soak some regular dates)

zest of two oranges

juice of half an orange

1/2 cup of pure cacao powder, plus a little extra for dusting (let me know if you want some good stuff and I’ll send you some!)

3-4 calendula flowers (or a handful of loose petals) - (pull them off the flowers from ya garden or let me know and I can send you some from mine!)

1-2 teaspoon/s of Masons Mushrooms blend

Add the brazil nuts to the food processor, and blend baby blend - until ground into a dense flour like consistency. Add the remaining ingredients and process until the mixture starts to come together like a dough.

Stop the blender.

Use your hands to form small balls. you can dip them in water to stop getting sticky - or just enjoy it! Roll the balls in cacao until just coated, and transfer to a plate. place int he fridge for at least an hour to set (if you havn’t eaten most of them already!)

Zee little balls can be kept at room temperature or in the fridge.

Makes around 15 balls - will keep for 3-4 days - or freeze em!!!

Calendula: If your not growing calendula in your garden - now is your moment to get some going. It’s pure beauty. It’s also self seeding - so one you have it - it comes back every year - yippee!

It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied topically or internally. So great for digestion and reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, also topically for wound healing and amazing for skin remedies. (I make a batch of skin salve with calendula flowers, olive oil and shea butter every year and its magic! - recipe to come!)

So if you don’t like these balls (which is not likely - you can rub them all over yerself! - ha ha and your skin will love it!)

Calendula is also antimicrobial - so helps to combat the nasties - it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties - so get some in ya garden and in ya gob!

Calendula is also an antioxidant, and supports the immune system - so really you should eat more of these balls!!! Or just munch on some flowers - throw them in ya salad or in your festive drinks. Happy flower munching!