Crispy foraged dandelion snack.

This delicious medicinal snack, is able to be foraged from most gardens, is a beautiful way to enjoy one of natures gifts. Simple, free and nutritious. (just make sure the garden hasn’t been sprayed and your away!)

How to make:

  • Get yourself out in nature to forage Dandelion plants taken from a spray free / dog free area. I washed them and towel dried them. I actually grow them specifically to eat! You may see a weed, I see a medicinal plant!

  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C. Spread the Dandelion leaves out on a lined baking tray. Toss with some salt, olive oil and seasoning of your choice. I used Mediterranean seasoning.

  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes until the leaves dry out crisp.

  • Enjoy as a snack. They taste like the seaweed snacks and my kids love them. I also do the same with Kelp that washes up on the beach.

Benefits of Dandelion: highly nutritious, contains antioxidants, may reduce cholesterol, may lower blood pressure and may aid weight loss.

Also useful for cleansing liver, kidneys, bladder and blood, and for treating acne, boils, skin issues, female health & hormones, balancing blood sugar, strengthening teeth enamel and cleansing and clearing the intestinal tract.

Plus it is delicious!!!

recipe shared from Mel Hurst, with thanks

Dandelion root coffee is also an amazing way to get your dandelion medicine in -here’s a link to it on our store

Dandelion OR Dandelion + burdock OR Chicory

Amy Mccomb, one of NZ’s most prominent Medical herbalists, talks about Dandelion being “a drop of sunshine which fell to earth and came up as a flower”, The flowers help release old cell memories, clearing deeply held memories stored in the cells. They also help circulate the lymphatic system. (Willa makes an amazing oil with the flowers that she uses in her Lady Chi workshops). This plant introduces light into the body system, into all levels of our being.

The root and whole plant helps integrate the male aspects of ourselves, bringing a deeper understanding and better relationship with oneself and with our male counter-parts. Integration of the masculine aspects in a different way may indicate self-assertion or a more active approach.

As mentioned above, dandelion nourishes and aids the functioning of the liver. Dandelion is highly alkalinizing as well, and this medicine is best taken with water with meals as it more than doubles the nutrient uptake from food mostly by providing a better environment for absorption.

Dandelion may also be taken to support the kidneys and in particular for children it has been used to stop bed-wetting and to stop bladder leakage. Dandelion holds the image in its DNA of the liver and the kidneys supporting both these vital organs.

Check out our new spring detox pack - SPRING is an excellent time to start taking dandelion as it is the time of year where the liver is naturally clearing itself - so helping to support this is amazing and can more than double the efforts!!!