How to brew a good cuppa.

Tea has been giving humans satisfaction since ancient times. As a tea enthusiast, you’ve probably experienced the disappointment of a poorly brewed cuppa.

Different teas require different brewing times to reach their full potential - this is because each type of tea has a unique composition and processing method that effects its taste, aroma and color.

Below are the optimal brewing times for some of the most popular types of tea, so grab yourself a cuppa and your timer…and let the magic unfold.

Black tea: 3-5 minutes. Black tea leaves are fully oxidized and require a longer brewing time to bring out their bold flavor.

Green tea: 1-2 minutes. Green tea leaves are minimally oxidized and best brewed for only a short period to capture their delicate taste. We all know what its like to have an over brewed green tea - super bitter. So for the best flavor profile in your greenie - stick with a short brew.

White Tea: 2-3 minutes. White tea leaves are unoxidized and delicate, requiring a gentle brew to preserve thier subtleties.

Oolong tea: 2-3 minutes. Oolong teas are partially oxidized, allowing them to have a complex flavor profile that requires a shorter brewing time than black tea.

Understanding the optimal brewing time for your tea is essential to unlocking its full potential.

I have been enjoying the Zeelong Aromatic Oolong lately - here is the recipe for perfection.

Zeelong Oolong: These little leaves have been briefly roasted at a high temperature. Producing a clean aroma and taste, with hints of fruit and flowers.

1 teaspoon of tea (I use a little less because I am a lite-weight!)

150ml of boiling water (it needs to have cooled to 90 degrees, so let it sit for a hot minute before you pour it onto your tea)

Infuse for 1 min - YEP just 1 min

Watch the magic unfold….

This tea can also be brewed for up to 8 infusions (on the same day people - don’t have second day tea!)

With each brew you add one more minute of brew time, for example - second brew (2 mins), third brew (3mins) and so on and so forth!

Tea is a blessed pastime, take time out of your day to sit and be with your tea. BREATHE. Meditate and enjoy.

We practice tea ceremony in every Elemental Alchemy module as part of this amazing training, and we also have weekly tea with Willa….

If you would like to come to tea ceremony with Willa - tune in here for weekly QI and TEA practice.

And if you are brewing at home we have a few of the cutest teapots ever here at the SOUL STORE…